Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Pembinaan Soalan Peperiksaan Pertengahan Tahun.
May Your Teaching Days Be
Filled With Joy & Satisfaction
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Kini ku bebas...
Jarang2 sekali mengupdatekan blog ni... bukan apa.. sebelum ni, blog ini sebagai medium rasmi bagi merekodkan segala aktiviti Panitia Sains.. Semenjak Sabtu lepas, Panitia Sains SMTSM dalam usaha menghasilkan laman web sendiri, yg bersifat lebih formal. Justeru itu, blog ini akan dijadikan medium interaksi tidak formal yang dapat membincangkan segala permasalahan aktiviti P&P serta sahsiah pelajar... itu la maksudnya bebas... semoga segala usaha murni semua guru dan pelajar dalam merealisasikan Visi Sekolah Menengah Teknik Seri Manjung iaitu menjadi Sekolah Teknik Terunggul di Negeri Perak menjelang tahun 2009 akan tercapai... Nampaknya, suku tahun 2009 ini telah menunjukkan ciri2 bahawa aspirasi ini akan tercapai selaras dengan slogan sekolah:
"Sahsiah Cemerlang,
Kokurikulum Gemilang,
Kurikulum Menjulang..."
Monday, April 13, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
Make your own Salt..
What is the crop of farmers in the desert fields of the Rann of Kutch in Gujarat? The answer is: salt! Farmers make rectangular fields with borders so that the water does not drain away. The water stands still under the sun and evaporates. Once the water evaporates, all that can be seen is salt. For, almost 70 per cent of the earth's surface is covered by salt water.

To test out how they do it, just do this simple experiment at home.
All you need is:
1. One tablespoon of salt.
2. A plate with raised edges.
3. Spoon.
4. Two cups of water.

Step 1: Mix the salt in water thoroughly. If mixing in a plate is inconvenient then do so in a bowl and then pour the salty water in the plate with raised edges.
Step 2: Keep the plate out in the sun until the water fully evaporates.

You will see tiny crystals of salt left behind in the plate.
That's how salt is made.
The desert soil in the Rann of Kutch has so much natural salt in it or is so saline that no other kind of vegetation can grow there easily.
As much as 60 per cent of India's salt is produced here. If you ever get a chance try watching mountains of salt being made the natural way!